Dam Safety

From the early years of construction Tungabhadra Dam and its appurtenant works are being inspected as often as possible and compulsorily once before the monsoon and once after the monsoon by officers at different levels starting with Sub-Divisional Officer to Superintending Engineer. In case certain distress of serious nature is noticed, the dam is inspected by the Chief Engineer also.

In March, 1980, Tungabhadra Board constituted a special committee to review and suggest improvements in the then existing procedures of inspection of dam and appurtenant works, adequacy of arrangements for forecasting of inflows into the reservoir for proper reservoir regulations and the drill for dealing with emergencies. The committee suggested a checklist based on CWC checklist issued under letter No.2/23/79-DSS-396, dated 8-7-1980 to be followed during annual inspections. Accordingly, the annual inspections have been carried out regularly, thereafter. In addition, inspection have been carried out intermittently by state level Dam Safety Committee (1989) and Dam Safety Panel (1989). Inspections of Tungabhadra Dam have also been carried out by Director of KERS in the years 1994, 1996 and 1997.

In the mean time proposal for increasing the storage capacity of Tungabhadra Reservoir, by raising the height of spillway gates was got examined by the Board. However, after detailed deliberation the Board dropped the issue and instead decided to review the safety of the dam comprehensively. Board in its 161st meeting held on 6th July 1996 directed that for the assessment of the safety of the reservoir, Central Water Commission may be approached for taking up comprehensive safety review. Subsequently,  in the 162nd meeting held on 15th October, 1996, Board decided that the review of safety of TB Dam shall be  undertaken by the Board from its own financial resources and under the guidance of a consultant on the Dam Safety Review Panel (DSRP). Board, in its 164th meeting selected Dr Y.K.Murthy, Retired Chairman, Central Water Commission, New Delhi as expert for guidance in Dam Safety Review.

Geological and Engineering Details