Author: tbboard
Pen Culture spot near chikkabaganal village

The Board has set up a fish farm for producing quality seeds for raising bio mass in available water bodies located in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. A part of the seeds so produced are stocked in the reservoir to enhance the fishery wealth of the reservoir. In addition, to facilitate preservation of fish catch, Board is running an Ice-cum-Cold Storage Plant for the convenience of the fishermen of the area. The Board has also established a Fish Net Making Plant to manufacture and supply quality fishnets to the fishermen.
Releasing of Fish Seeds to T B Reservoir

The Board has set up a fish farm for producing quality seeds for raising bio mass in available water bodies located in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. A part of the seeds so produced are stocked in the reservoir to enhance the fishery wealth of the reservoir. In addition, to facilitate preservation of fish catch, Board is running an Ice-cum-Cold Storage Plant for the convenience of the fishermen of the area. The Board has also established a Fish Net Making Plant to manufacture and supply quality fishnets to the fishermen.
Fish seeds packed to release to TB Reservoir
Sampling of fish seed to check the growth in pen culture spot
Fish seed packing

Although primarily intended as an Irrigation Project, the impounded water in Tungabhadra Reservoir is also utilized to generate power before being let out into the canals for irrigation purpose. The power generated on the left side is entirely used by Karnataka while that generated through two power houses on the right side is shared by states Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in the ratio of 20:80. One Power House is at the foot of the dam and another at Hampi, 21Km from the dam. The Scheme of generating electricity at these two powerhouses is called “Tungabhadra Hydro Electric Scheme”(TBHES). Work on Dam Power House was taken up in 1951 while that on Hampi power house in 1956. These power houses were commissioned in 1957 and 1958 respectively.