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Health Wing of the Board looks after the general sanitation of the Board colonies and other adjacent public areas in the TB Dam colonies and Hampi Colonies. It also undertakes various health programmes catering to the needs of the Board employees and also public.

PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE: – This Wing continued to implement various programmes from beginning of the establishment to till date at T.B. Dam and Hampi colonies. A brief description of all such programmes are given below.

❖ The Board areas are free from epidemics. There have been no deaths due to epidemics in the board colonies. To control rabies, the stray dogs are being eliminated by giving Strychnine Hydrochloride with mutton. The Dam and Hampi Camp colonies are kept clean and tidy. He drains are cleaned on alternate days.

❖ Samples of drinking water from T.B.Dam and Hampi colones are collected regularly and sent to Public Health Institute, Bangalore for conducting bacteriological and chemical analysis. On the basis of the results received, necessary action is being taken for ratifying the deficiencies in quality of drinking water, if any, from time to time.

❖ As a measure of child health care, immunisation of children is done on every Thursday at the project hospital. Regular immunisation to the newly born children is undertaken at Hampi dispensary on 6th of every month with the help of staff of Primary Health Centre, Kamalapur.

❖ The vital statistics concerning registration of Birth and Death are maintained, and participation in the Pulse Polio Programmes.


❖ Every effort is being made to control the malaria by spraying DDT. Blood samples were collected from all the malaria fever suspect cases. Malaria positive cases are being treated on a war footing. Oil is sprayed in the drains for control of mosquito larvae in the colonies drains, water pools, stagnated water pools (pits) and other septic tanks.



Medical wing of the Board is running a Project Hospital at the T.B Dam colonies with a provision for 20 general beds and a special ward with 2 beds. A dispensary at Hampi colony with provision for 9 bed strength is also under the control of this wing. The Hospital at T.B Dam and the dispensary at Hampi colony cater to the medical needs of the Board’s employees as well as public in the surrounding areas.

PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE: – A brief description of all such programmes are given below.

❖ The Project Hospital has a radiology laboratory and pathological laboratory, one minor operation theatre and ECG facilities. All routine tests are carried out in these laboratories to the extent possible.




  • Blood for HB, TC, BT and CT
  • Blood Sugar
  • Serum cholesterol
  • ESR
  • VDRL
  • Semen
  • Sputum
  • Stools
  • Urine,Albumin, Sugar, MIC, BO, BS etc


❖ About 60% of the patients treated in Board hospital and Dispensary were members of general public. Pre and postnatal care of pregnant mother and new born child is taken care of at the Project Hospital. Delivery cases are being handled in the same facilities.


❖ Most of the couples residing at Dam and Hampi colony were advised implement Family Planning Programme.



The important functions of the unit are:

  • General sanitation of colonies.
  • Immunization programme for child health.
  • Bacteriological and chemical examination of drinking water.
  • Prevention of epidemics.
  • Anti-Larval measures.
  • National Malaria Eradication programme.
  • Collection of vital statistics such as births, deaths etc.
  • Medical facilities for out-patients and In-patients.
  • Radiology and pathological testing.
  • Minor Operations.
  • Family welfare measures and small family norms.